Use Cases
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is a common term for the buildup of plaque in the heart’s arteries that could lead to heart attack. It is caused by the buildup of plaque, a waxy substance, inside the coronary arteries.
Spatial technology could identify coronary artery plaque. From the earliest stage to advanced diagnosis.
Being noninvasive and without contrast agents, tests can be ordered routinely.
With over 3 million cases of CAD per year, the impact alone in the U.S. could be significant.
Additionally values can be identified for pre conditions of stroke. Blocks or leaks can be detected early while there's time to do something about them.
Again, no contrast agents needs to be administered, which can skew or obscure anomalies. This also keeps the costs and risks down which allows the physician to order these much need tests routinely.
Oncology is a branch of science that deals with tumours and cancers. The word “onco” means bulk, mass, or tumor while “-logy” means study.
The holy grail is early detection.
GeminiDT's spatial technology will enable ALL these known values/masses in the subject area scan to be located and quantified. Even the minutest single value can be located and identified.
These can be accurately returned to the radiologist for diagnosis.
Once a known value has been located, GDT's spatial data system leverages AI for predictive analysis.
Emergency Medicine
Once known values are cataloged into spatial data sets, they can be used for medical applications.
In emergency medicine the ability to scan and return, then compare will, one day, be in the ER as a standard protocol. This can be deployed anywhere treatment of mankind is needed.
The impact on the ER of the future will be significant not only in quality of care, but also function as a catalyst to develop new and accurate therapies.
Imagine being able to detect internal bleeding progressions from a cerebral contusion.
The benefits are boundless.
Remote and Mixed Reality Surgery and Medicine
A true digital twin of the subject in real time is that basis for the fruition and propagation of this medical area.
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