Who is GeminiDT

GeminiDT is an advanced spatial science technology solutions group. 

We are polyplexity technologists. Polyplexity is where physical and digital system act as one, based on empirical volumetric data.

This we call Gemini[x]r. a Complexity Science through immersive spatio-temporal frameworks.

These enable complexity and spatial Networks to employ the logic of simplicity. 

The Team

Our team is made up of seasoned veterans in technology, advanced systems, business development, marketing and licensing. We bring to the table over 110+ combined years in the Valley, building and deploying market-defining solutions.


David Barry - Chief Scientist and Technologist - Founder - AR/VR/MR/XR, Holographic & Mixed Reality Specialist, Systems Physics & Design. 

Daniel Brue, PhD - Chief Science Officer   

Computational physicist, with a background in modeling complex systems with computer simulations, including biomedical scan analysis, energy equipment fault modes, and semiconductor development. Advanced Data science.

Michel Coulon - co-founder  Head of Studio, specialist in Strategy in the world  interactive applications / gaming / AR / XR

 Steve Tsuruda - Managing Partner / CEO - Founder - Rapidly enhancing net profits and securing new markets. His expertise is in Go-to-Market and EIR - Emerging disruptive solutions for human interaction.  Steve is a visionary business leader with many successful exits.

Additionally we have team members in Flow dynamics, marketing, simulations and physics in London, Las Vegas and Boston.

GeminiDT LLC, a Limited Liability Corporationjiij in the State of Nevada. 
It is a subsidiary of BT Systems.